• Ya. I. Grushka Інститут математики НАН України, м. Київ, Україна
Ключові слова: Орiєнтованi множини, внутрiшнiй час, мiнливi множини, шоста проблема Гiльберта


В роботi доведено необхiдну i достатню умову iснування внутрiшнього часу на орiєнтованiй множинi без синхронiзацiї.


Дані завантаження ще не доступні.


[1] Michael Barr, ColinMc larty and Charles Wells. Variable Set Theory. 1986. URL: http://www.math.mcgill.ca/barr/papers/vst.pdf.
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[6] Я.I. Грушка. Видимiсть у мiнливих множинах. Збiрник праць Iнституту математики НАН України 2012, 9 (2), 122–145.
[7] Я.I. Грушка. Мiнливi множини та їх властивостi. Доповiдi Нацiональної академiї наук України 2012, (5), 12–18.
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[10] Ya.I. Grushka. Draft introduction to abstract kinematics. (Version 2.0). Preprint: ResearchGate, 2017. URL: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.28964.27521. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28964.27521.
[11] A.N. Gorban. Hilbert’s sixth problem: the endless road to rigour. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2018, 376 (2118), 20170238. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0238.
[1] Michael Barr, ColinMc larty and Charles Wells. Variable Set Theory. 1986. URL: http://www.math.mcgill.ca/barr/papers/vst.pdf.
[2] A.P. Levich. Time as variability of natural systems: ways of quantitative description of changes and creation of changes by substantial flows. World Scientific, 1995. URL: http://www.chronos.msu.ru/old/EREPORTS/levich1.pdf. doi: 10.1142/9789812832092_0010.
[3] John L. Bell. Abstract and Variable Sets in Category Theory. Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher, 2006. URL: http://publish.uwo.ca/ jbell/Bell2.pdf.
[4] Levich A.P. Methodological difficulties in the way to understanding the phenomenon of time. Moscow-Petersburg Philosophical Club, Moscow, 2009. URL: http://www.chronos.msu.ru/old/RREPORTS/levich_trudnosti.pdf.
[5] Levich A.P. Modeling of “dynamic sets”. MGTU named after N.E. Bauman, Moscow, 2009. URL: http://www.chronos.msu.ru/old/RREPORTS/levich_dinamich.html.
[6] Ya.I. Grushka. Visibility in changeable sets. Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine 2012, 9 (2), 122–145.
[7] Ya.I. Grushka. Changeable sets and their properties. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2012, (5), 12–18.
[8] Ya.I. Grushka. Primitive changeable sets and their properties. Mathematics Bulletin of Science Association of Taras Shevchenko 2012, 9 52–80.
[9] Ya.I. Grushka. Base Changeable Sets and Mathematical Simulation of the Evolution of Systems. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2013, 65 (9), 1198–1218. doi: 10.1007/s11253-014-0862-6.
[10] Ya.I. Grushka. Draft introduction to abstract kinematics. (Version 2.0). Preprint: ResearchGate, 2017. URL: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.28964.27521. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28964.27521.
[11] A.N. Gorban. Hilbert’s sixth problem: the endless road to rigour. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2018, 376 (2118), 20170238. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0238.
Як цитувати
Grushka, Y. 2023. НЕОБХIДНА I ДОСТАТНЯ ОЗНАКА IСНУВАННЯ ВНУТРIШНЬОГО ЧАСУ НА ОРIЄНТОВАНIЙ МНОЖИНI. Буковинський математичний журнал. 11, 2 (Груд 2023), 104-113. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31861/bmj2023.02.11.