У цiй замiтцi ми зосереджуємося на деяких аспектах використання вiртуальної етики
при дослiдженнi наукової спадщини видатного українського математика Михайла Крав-
чука та її дотичностi до винайдення Атанасовим та Беррi першого електронного ком’пю-
[1] М. Боголюбов, А. Плiчко, А. Прикарпатський, Про етику спiвпрацi та спiвавторства в наукових
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[2] S.A. Duplij, I.I. Shapoval, Quantum computations: fundamentals and algorithms, Problems of Atomic
Science and Technology (PAST), 2007, No. 3(1), 230–235.
[3] T. Hakioglu, K. Wolf, The canonical Kravchuk basis for discrete quantum mechanics. In [23], 177–187.
[4] I. Качановський, Лист до Н.О. Вiрченко, 6.05.2001.
[5] I. Katchanowski, Classic prisoner’s dilemma: A quasi-experimental test during the Great Terror, Annual
Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, August 28 – August 31, 2003.
Доступна в Iнтернетi.
[6] I. Katchanowski, A puzzle in the history of the invention and patenting of the electronic computer, In
[23], 655–687.
[7] I. Качановський, Український математик М. Кравчук та винахiд першого електронного комп’ю-
тера, Дев’ята мiжнародна наукова конференцiя iменi академiка М. Кравчука, 16–19 травня 2002
року, c. 6 (англомовна версiя – с. 7); Mykhailo Krawtchouk and a puzzle in the invention and patenti-
ng of the electronic computer in the US, Десята мiжнародна наукова конференцiя iменi академiка
М. Кравчука, 13–15 травня 2004 року, с. 9–10; Михайло Кравчук та Комп’ютерна Революцiя в
США, Одинадцята мiжнародна наукова конференцiя iменi академiка М. Кравчука, 18–20 травня
2006 року, с. 7–8.
[8] I. Katchanowski, Krawtchouk’s Mind, Central Europe Review/Transitions Online, 4.04.2003; I. Кача-
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[9] I. Качановський, ОУН готувала теракт проти президента Рузвельта. Сенсацiйнi архiвнi доку-
менти. Фото, Фраза, 11.06.2008; I. Качановський, То хто тут у нас екстремiсти? Полiтика без
лiбералiзму: «Свобода», Критика, квiтень 2012; I. Качановський, ОУН(б) та нацистськi масовi
вбивства влiтку 1941 року на iсторичнiй Волинi, Україна Модерна 20 (2014), 215–244; А. Ляше-
ва, Чи лише «Беркут» убивав «Небесну сотню»? Запитання без вiдповiдей про подiї 20 лютого,
Спiльне, 22.10.2014; А. Сантарович, Иван Качановский: Тот, кто стрелял на Майдане, спро-
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[13] M. Krawtchouk, Sur une generalisation de polinˆomes d’Hermite, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 189 (1929),
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[15] M. Krawtchouk, On the Solution of Linear Differential and Integral Equations by the Method of
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[17] V.K. Maslyuchenko, P. Zaderei, G. Nefodova, N. Zaderei, J. Shtenda, Mykhailo Kravchuk – pride and
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[19] Н.И. Польский, О сходимости некоторых приближенных методов анализа, Укр. мат. журн. 7
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111 (1956), № 6, 1181–1184.
[20] Просвiтницька сотня Майдану, Iван Качановський. Дуче заокеанської секти “Свiдкiв вiзитки
Яроша”, https://www.facebook.com/771095749585774/photos/a.776146582414024/
[21] A.M. Samoilenko, Y.A. Prykarpatsky, Ufuk Taneri, A.K. Prykarpatsky, D.L. Blackmore, A geometrical
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[22] N.Ja. Vilenkin, A.U. Klimyk, Representation of Lie groups and special functions. Vol. 3. Classical and
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[23] N. Virchenko, I. Katchanovski, V. Haidey, R. Andrushkiw, R. Voronka (eds), Розвиток математи-
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[24] Н.О. Вiрченко, Качановський Iван Гнатович, Енциклопедiя Сучасної України, 2012,
1. M. Bogolyubov, A. Plichko, A. Prykarpatsky, On the ethics of cooperation and co-authorship in scientific publications: Pandora's box or the joy of creativity, Mathematical Bulletin of NTSh 4 (2007), 428–439.
2. S.A. Duplij, I.I. Shapoval, Quantum computations: fundamentals and algorithms, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (PAST), 2007, № 3(1), 230–235.
3. T. Hakioglu, K. Wolf, The canonical Kravchuk basis for discrete quantum mechanics. In [23], 177–187.
4. I. Kachanovsky, Letter to N.O Virchenko, May 6, 2001.
5. I. Katchanowski, Classic prisoner’s dilemma: A quasi-experimental test during the Great Terror, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, August 28 – August 31, 2003.
6. I. Katchanowski, A puzzle in the history of the invention and patenting of the electronic computer, In [23], 655–687.
7. I. Kachanovsky, Ukrainian mathematician M. Kravchuk and the invention of the first electronic computer, Ninth International Scientific Conference named after Academician M. Kravchuk, May 16-19, 2002, p. 6 (English version - p. 7); Mykhailo Krawtchouk and a puzzle in the invention and patenting of the electronic computer in the US, Tenth International Scientific Conference named after Academician M. Kravchuk, May 13–15, 2004, p. 9-10; Mykhailo Kravchuk and the Computer Revolution in the USA, Eleventh International Scientific Conference named after Academician M. Kravchuk, May 18–20, 2006, p. 7–8.
8. I. Katchanowski, Krawtchouk’s Mind, Central Europe Review / Transitions Online, 4.04.2003; I. Kachanovsky, Ukrainian Roots of the Computer Revolution, Voice of Ukraine, May 18, 2006.
9. I. Kachanovsky, the OUN was preparing a terrorist attack against President Roosevelt. Sensational archival documents. Photo, Phrase, June 11, 2008; I. Kachanovsky, So who are our extremists here? Politics without Liberalism: Svoboda, Critique, April 2012; I. Kachanovsky, OUN (b) and Nazi Massacres in the Summer of 1941 in Historic Volhynia, Modern Ukraine 20 (2014), 215–244; A. Lyasheva, Did only the "Berkut" kill the "Heavenly Hundred"? Unanswered questions about the events of February 20, Spilne, October 22, 2014; A. Santarovich, Ivan Kachanovsky: The one who shot on the Maidan provoked the war in Donbass, Apostrophe, December 4, 2016 (Ukrainian version in the newspaper Ukraina Moloda, December 7, 2016).
10. Atanasov-Berry calculator, Ukrainian Wikipedia, March 20, 2020.
11. L.V. Kantorovich, Functional analysis and applied mathematics, Uspekhi Mat. Sciences 3 (1948), № 6, 89–185.
12. M.V. Keldysh, On the method of B.G. Galerkin for solving boundary value problems, Izv. USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser. math. 6 (1942), № 6, 309–330.
13. M. Krawtchouk, Sur une generalisation de polinˆomes d’Hermite, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 189 (1929), 620–622.
14. M. Kravchuk, Application of the method of moments to the solution of linear differential and integral equations, Vol. 1, VUAN. Natural and technical ed., Kyiv, VUAN Publishing House, 1932; Application of the method of moments to the solution of linear differential and integral equations, Kyiv, VUAN Publishing House, 1935.
15. M. Krawtchouk, On the Solution of Linear Differential and Integral Equations by the Method of Moments, Manuscript, N.D.
16. A. Luchka, T. Luchka, Mykhailo Kravchuk and variational and projection methods. In [23], 688–709.
17. V.K. Maslyuchenko, P. Zaderei, G. Nefodova, N. Zaderei, J. Shtenda, Mykhailo Kravchuk - pride and glory of Ukrainian science (27.09.1892 - 9.03.1942), Bukovynian Mathematical Journal. 5 (2017), № 3-4, 110–117.
18. S.G. Mikhlin, Direct methods in mathematical physics, Moscow - Leningrad, Gostekhizdat, 1950; The problem of the minimum of a quadratic functional, Moscow - Leningrad, Gostekhizdat, 1952.
19. N.I. Polsky, On the convergence of some approximate methods of analysis, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. 7 (1955), № 1, 56–70; On a general scheme for the application of approximate methods, Dokl. USSR Academy of Sciences 111 (1956), № 6, 1181–1184.
20. Educational Hundred of the Maidan, Ivan Kachanovsky. Duche zaokeansʹkoyi sekty “Svidkiv vizytky Yarosha” https://www.facebook.com/771095749585774/photos/a.776146582414024/958377357524278/?type=1&theate.
21. A.M. Samoilenko, Y.A. Prykarpatsky, Ufuk Taneri, A.K. Prykarpatsky, D.L. Blackmore, A geometrical approach to quantum holonomic computing algorithms, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 66 (2004), 1-20.
22. N.Ja. Vilenkin, A.U. Klimyk, Representation of Lie groups and special functions. Vol. 3. Classical and quantum groups and special functions, Dordrecht – Boston – London, Kluwer, 1992.
23. N. Virchenko, I. Katchanovski, V. Haidey, R. Andrushkiw, R. Voronka (eds), Development of the Mathematical Ideas of Academician M. Kravchuk (Krawtchouk), Kyiv – New York, Shevchenko Scientific Society in the US, National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”, 2004.
24. N.O. Virchenko, Kachanovsky Ivan Hnatovych, Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine, 2012, http://esu.com.ua/search_articles.php?id=11375.
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